June Updates
To all our mamas and friends!
Here in the South, Summer has been in full force for about a month, even though the first day of Summer is still a week away! We hope you have time scheduled for rest, relaxation, and good family time! At a minimum, make sure Dad gets a little extra attention and appreciation on Father's Day.
We talk a lot about maternal mental health, but it's important to note that our significant others/spouses can also experience anxiety and depression during this transition. They may not experience the physical pregnancy symptoms moms endure, but they can have an emotional response to watching us go through pregnancy or with the changes in the family dynamics and relationship strain common during postpartum. Research says that nearly 10% of dads experience depression during postpartum because they have doubts about their ability to bond or be good fathers.
Because relationships undergo a transition during pregnancy and postpartum, we've enlisted the help of a relationship expert, Taylor. You can learn more about her here. Scroll down the page and click the video to meet her! She's already posted two videos about relationships and re-establishing intimacy post-delivery. You can connect to her videos by clicking the links below.
To help you find your Zen during the hot, crazy Summer days, we've also developed some meditation videos. You can find them under the Toolbox category on your Dashboard. We will also send a text message with direct links to them. Let us know what you think!
As always, we love to hear from you! Click the button to let us know your thoughts about our videos or topics you'd like us to cover.
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