
Thank you for agreeing to be a part of the Previa Alliance Program. We have partnered with your physician Dr. Aultman and look forward to being on this pregnancy and postpartum journey with you.

It’s time for you to take your first screening. 10 short questions that can be completed in less than 5 minutes.

Please go to your [previa_hash_url label=”dashboard”]https://previaalliance.com/dashboard/[/previa_hash_url]. From there, click Take A New Screening.

Finally, explore our digital library which includes short videos, recent podcasts, and other resources created to help educate and empower you.

You have got this, mama!

-Previa Alliance

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Dear Patient Administrator,

You are checking other user’s profile. You can modify any profile information here.

While you are working as this user, you can’t do any of your administration jobs. Please be aware.

If you want to return to your administrator account, click the “Switch Back” button at the bottom left corner.